
Showing posts from July, 2018

Gantung The Series: Episode 1

Di dalam bilik asrama yang berdentum dengan music kuat, KJ (Brandon Salim) menarik laptopnya keriba sambil bertanya kepada Ray (Ikmal Amry) tentang kelewatan Gibbs pada semester kali ini. KJ bercanda kiranya ayah Gibbs memberi ceramah motivasi kepada anaknya, disokong Ray yang menyatakan bahawa tahun in merupakan tahun terakhir mereka disekolah. KJ terus bersemangat merancang ulah nakal, "pokoknya This year I have to pull the biggest prank in this school history" sebelum di ingatkan untuk tidak menggangu pementasan yang bakal di sutradarai oleh Ray. Music bingit tadi tiba tiba mati dan bunyi erangan seorang perempuan kedengaran sebelum Troll (Hafreez Adam) yang hanya berselimut membuka pintu bilik dengan wajah cemas. KJ dan Ray lekas bangun apabila Troll menyatakan masalah mengenai Nina. Panggilan Ray direject Gibbs (Randy Pangalila) sebelum dia berpaling untuk memesan Raspberry Frappucino, Green Tea Latte dan Iced Chocolate sebelum dipotong


Okay let me be honest here. I don't know what to recap! Ha. I am sooo not up-to-date with the latest drama, will try to catch up soon (we might have different understanding with "soon" but roll with me okay). For the time being, I'll recap the dramas i had in my external hard disk. These are the list: Gantung Mandatori 7 Hari Mencintaiku Tiada Arah Jodoh Kita For starters. Or maybe over ambitious jugak. Whatevs. xoxo, Sefa.


I believe every korean drama lovers knows a website called Dramabeans .  It is a place where you can see an episode of a drama, without actually watching it! That is because they provided exhaustive details in their recaps, armed with witty comments and great insights, and i wanted to to the same, EXCEPT , I want to produce a MALAY DRAMA recap site . I know this may be an overstretched dream, because i RARELY find a good Malay drama and actually finish it, but heyy I can at least sharpen my writing skill.  Also, this is for you yang terlepas episode or malas nak tengok tapi nak tahu what happen and maybe looking for a place to vent any thought, you are welcomed to do so. Please know that I like to speak/write rojak language. Don't let it bother you. XOXO,  Sefa.